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List your items for sale at E-Commerce-Shop - ONE MONTH TRIAL £1

List your items for sale at E-Commerce-Shop - ONE MONTH TRIAL £1

Regular price £1.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £1.00 GBP
Sale Sold out
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Simply pay £1 to get started. Your details will be securely collected during checkout and we'll contact you to list your items for sale. List up to 100 items.

No commissions. If it works for you then you can choose to stay and pay only £20 per month.

E-Commerce-Shop UK provides sellers with a fully managed and promoted online space to sell goods and services, with a secure checkout and dedicated, customised landing pages to display products and services for their business. 

Based entirely online, this platform provides an e-commerce sales channel for an eclectic mix of sellers - artisans, artists, designers, makers and marketers of quality goods.

How do I sell with E-Commerce-Shop UK?

Enter your details at checkout and we'll send you details and get you started.

Alternatively, you can:

Apply online via email in the first instance, to:


No contracts. Start as stop according to your business needs. 

What is the cost after the £1 trial?

  • At the end of your first month's trial, if you wish to continue selling with E-Commerce-Shop, you will pay a monthly subscription of £20, all inclusive. Alternatively, opt to pay £220 annually - a saving of one month's subscription. All subscriptions are paid in advance.

What do I get for this subscription?

Your subscription includes:

  • Display up to 100 individual items for sale online, free of any sales commissions.
  • Website landing-pages dedicated to your business - your own pitch within E-Commerce-Shop.
  • Prime position on a fully hosted, online department store that actively promotes your business as part of a continuous marketing programme.
  • Membership of an e-commerce community that attracts more traffic and  buyers for your business.
  • Measured results. As well as seeing an increase in sales, you will receive quarterly reports on how your business is performing with E-Commerce-Shop, to help in planning your future sales targets.

What are the benefits to me and my business?

  • Reach more customers. Increased exposure for your business - taking your products to your customers.
  • Reduce your outgoings for marketing - money and time. E-COMMERCE-SHOP is a fully marketed e-commerce website.
  • No need for premises, rates, insurances and other costs that are necessary for a physical shop location.
  • Tax deductible business expense.

Optional extras.

  • Your own website. A fully-inclusive, separate e-commerce-website of your own - custom built for your own business brand, for a one-off fixed fee or a monthly rental (no lock-in contracts). Ask for details.
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